Monday, July 19, 2010

Water’s Edge II: The Tide

I’m on the water’s edge once more
The tide comes in and floods the shore
Bearing gifts of all kinds
Realizations so simple no one finds

The tide rolls back out to sea
And with it sweeps things dear to me
A surge that gave no time to muse
Took things I thought I’d never lose

This undercurrent robbed my soul
And left me mourning on the shoal
As it takes, it does return
This twist of fate I can’t discern

The tide renounced something unique
A lesson surfaced from the deep
A shining jewel in a chest
That lay my every care to rest

The tide is strange and quite bizarre
It takes away from who we are
But as it takes, it does return
The gifts it bears, we must not spurn

© José V. Guerra Awe

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