Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Confined to a cage,
A cell built upon apprehension
Self-loathing and insecurities
Cell engulfed by force field of resistance
And concealed under cloak of fear,
It endures: ageless and immortal

Eyes glaring, never blinking
Its focus: undeterred
Surefooted... restless
It paces, hauntingly, hither and yon
Breathing... deep... steady
Absorbing the miasmal phobia that enslaves it

As its body enters remission
Its mind philosophises
Every fibre of its being mutates
As it delves into the atoms of its impediment
And as beast evolves
The soma dissipates

And while new serum is prepared,
In the interim of applications,
Awareness breeds understanding
Enlightenment melts shackles.
It growls as it gnaws its prison’s walls
Teeth naked, fearless, unencumbered

I can feel its presence in my every thought
I see it in my shadow and in my reflection
Eyes glaring, never blinking, focus undeterred
Breathing... deep... steady
Teeth still naked,
Its heart beat pummelling the walls of my resistance

It yearns for freedom, for transfiguration
And as soma further weakens, comes infusion
Its paws become my hands electrically imbued
Its teeth... my impervious regalia
Its restless feet... my surefooted wanderlust
Its glare... my focus, undeterred

© José V. Guerra Awe

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